Shiren the Wanderer and his companion, Koppa the talking ferret, return for an all-new roguelike
dungeon crawling adventure on Serpentcoil Island!
After receiving a vision of a mysterious girl held captive by a terrible monster, Shiren and Koppa
make their way to Serpentcoil Island—a distant isle rumored to be the lost stronghold of treasure-hoarding pirates. Determined to rescue the girl and find the treasure, the two race into danger…
only to be soundly defeated, like all the others who tried before. Undeterred, Shiren and Koppa
vow to challenge the monster again in order to save the mysterious girl.
To brave the many dangers that await them, Shiren and Koppa must traverse complex dungeons
filled with hostile monsters, hidden traps, and useful items. All the gear and experience Shiren
accumulates will be lost if he collapses during exploration, so beware of rushing in unprepared!
Rescue the mysterious girl and uncover the mystery that clouds Serpentcoil Island!
• Shiren Returns to the West! The return of a true classic! Shiren the Wanderer is back for a new
• Mystery Dungeon Offers Endless Gameplay! Procedurally generated dungeon maps, enemies,
and loot ensure that every game will be a new challenge for even the most seasoned adventurers!
• New Adventures and Friends! Journey alongside a colorful cast of islanders, wanderers, and
powerful adversaries!
• Rescue Other Players! Reach your fellow Wanderers who’ve collapsed inside the dungeon, so
they can resume their adventure on the spot and help you in times of need!
• Limited-Run Sticker! As a first-run bonus, a 2.75” x 3” sticker featuring the protagonist Shiren
and the game’s traditional Japanese art style will be included with the game! (Note: while supplies
[1.0.1 through 1.0.3]
- Fixed a number of game progression-stopping bugs.
- Various stability bug fixes.
- Fixed an issue where a silver-sealed rune’s effect could become activated when resuming a suspended game.
- Fixed Rescue-related issues (rescuee is different from that of the accepted request, rescuee is missing on the target floor, etc.).
- Fixed an issue where items dropped due to Item-losing Bracelet’s effect were not displayed properly on the floor.
- Turned off monster pups’ cries while the Item Holder’s window is opened.
- Other miscellaneous fixes.
- Fixed an issue where an error message such as “data is corrupt” was displayed when attempting to load suspended data, making the data unloadable.
If you have been experiencing the above issue, please update the game and try loading the suspended data.
- Fixed an issue causing Asuka’s event to not progress on rare occasions after updating the game previously. Please update the game and check the location(s) marked with “!”.
- Fixed an issue causing the game to stop when a boss battle begins on rare occasions. If you are still experiencing this issue, please close the app and restart the game.
- Other miscellaneous fixes.
New features
- Added Sacred Tree Mode.
- You can start this mode by examining the Sacred Tree located at Shukuba Beach, after clearing Serpentcoil Island.
- You now replay dungeons you’ve already cleared using special rules.
- Added Dojo Challenge Mode to the Monster Dojo.
- This mode is only available after clearing Serpentcoil Island and unlocking the Monster Dojo.
- The Item Holder can now store up to 960 items.
- Extended server storage duration for Parallel Data from 7 to 30 days.
- Added ability to PAUSE while in dungeons by pressing down on the right stick.
- Added an option to the Settings that allows you to turn off the display of possessions by quickly pressing the B button.
- Adjusted the timing for when a rescue request is submitted.
- Adjusted bonus for Aid Points obtained by rescuing other wanderers.
- Increased the number of locations where travelling companions appear, and fine-tuned game balance in all dungeons.
- Improved waiting time when setting up explosives.
Bug fixes / Adjustments
- Fixed an issue occuring when identifying statuses such as curses under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where blinded Bored Kappa would freeze if they threw items at each others.
- Fixed an issue causing the results screen not to display properly in some rare cases.
- About 120 other minor fixes and adjustments were made.
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash when you reach the target floor during a Rescue.
- Fixed an issue where a Sacred Tree Turn Trial completion with 0 turns was not credited.
- Fixed an issue that changed the cursor position when the player performed a certain input while in a vendor menu.
New Features Added
1. Play Using “Tatsumi Shiren”
Tatsumi Shiren, a combination of Tatsumi from the main game and Shiren, can now be selected as a playable character in the Sacred Tree trials. Tatsumi Shiren makes their exclusive debut in this latest free content update.Tatsumi Shiren is a combination of Tatsumi and Shiren. While unable to equip anything, Tatsumi Shiren can unleash special attacks by expending Fullness.
*The Tatsumi Shiren form can be used in the Sacred Tree trials only after clearing the Cavern of Suiryu dungeon.
2. Increased Dungeon Floor Count
In Sacred Tree mode, the following dungeons will have more floors, offering a greater challenge and more opportunities for exploration.
Dungeons with Added Floors
- Kiki Island
- Training Path of Inference
- Training Path of Extra Inference
- Peach Dungeon
- Sumo Dungeon
- Cat-Ching’s Divine Will
- Trapper’s Secret Path
- Training Path of Gimmicks
- Training Path of Shopping
- Behemoth Rush
- Sacred Ocean Tunnel
- Domain of Staves and Scrolls
- Isle of the Mighty
*Can only be selected for dungeons that have been cleared.
3. Basic Training Mode Added
A “Basic Training” mode has been added to the Monster Dojo. In this mode, you can learn the basics of dungeon navigation. Starting with a predetermined set of items and enemy placements, you’ll practice techniques to help you reach the stairs.
*Basic Training mode can be used after unlocking the Monster Dojo.
4. New Threat Alert
The new ‘Threat Alert’ warns you when you are about to be knocked out by taking damage equal to or greater than the amount you just received. You can turn the “Threat Alert” feature on or off in the game settings.
5. Balance Adjustments and Other Improvements Added
New Features Added
1. Three New Dungeons
These free dungeons can be played after clearing Serpentcoil Island and progressing through the story.
Go Go Dungeon
A short dungeon with 5 floors. Monsters get suddenly stronger with each floor. If you clear them consecutively, it will be recorded in the dungeon description.
Wanderers’ Highway
A dungeon featuring Companions and Roamers, easily identifiable items, and narrow floors with good visibility.
Quietude of Serpentcoil Island
A more difficult dungeon based on Heart of Serpentcoil Island.
2. Gear Rack
Display weapons and shields you have acquired in the newly added Gear Rack, available at the Item Holder in Shukuba Beach. You can take gear from the rack any time.
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when naming an unidentified item in a certain manner.
- 2 other miscellaneous fixes.
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when proceeding to the next floor in the Forest of Frugality dungeon with certain items equipped.
- 4 other miscellaneous fixes.
- Fixed an issue in which performing a certain input caused monsters to turn invisible.
- 8 other miscellaneous fixes and adjustments. *Balance adjustments have not been made to existing dungeons.
- Fixed an issue in which the item to be brought back upon clearing the Training Path of Extra Inference dungeon would sometimes change into a different item.
- Fixed Asuka’s Critical Hit damage calculation when playing as her at the Sacred Tree.
*This fix increases the damage of certain Critical Hits.
- Fixed an issue in which the dash movement became slow when certain conditions were met on a map with a waterway.
- Fixed an issue in which the game would crash on rare occasions after creating a new Wanderer’s Diary and beginning the boss fight.
*This update lowers the likelihood, but the issue may still occur. If you experience the issue, please close the app and restart the game.
- 9 other miscellaneous fixes and adjustments.
*Balance adjustments have not been made.
- Changed dungeon clear rate display from 0-100% to 0.0-100.0%, enabling a more accurate display of information for dungeons with less than 1% clear rate.
- 6 other miscellaneous fixes and adjustments.
- *Balance adjustments have not been made.
- 5 miscellaneous fixes and adjustments.
- *Balance adjustments have not been made.
- *No new features have been added.
- Fixed an issue where certain actions could allow items that normally cannot be picked up, such as Wishing Shrines, to be placed into the player’s inventory, resulting in errors and some save data being unable to load.
*This update also allows saves made inaccessible by this issue to load properly.
- 2 other miscellaneous fixes and adjustments.
*Balance adjustments have not been made.
*This update has already been applied to the Steam version.
- Fixed an issue in the Steam version where high frame rate processing caused control difficulties in certain parts of the game.
*Some frame rate processing issues remain that will be addressed in a future patch.
- 6 other miscellaneous stability improvements and adjustments.
*Balance adjustments have not been made.
All Platforms
- Optimized movement within the dungeon for a smoother experience.
- Fixed an issue where entering a Tunnel of Wishes during Parallel Play occasionally caused the boss not to appear.
- Fixed an issue where players who did not purchase DLC content were unable to delete the downloaded rescue request for a DLC-exclusive dungeon.
- 12 other miscellaneous fixes and adjustments.
*Balance adjustments have not been made.
Steam Version Only
- Fixed an issue where high frame rate processing caused the app to speed up and induce control difficulties in certain areas.
- Addressed an issue where save data could become corrupted due to various events, such as force-quitting the app at certain times, loss of system power, etc.
- The mouse cursor now becomes hidden when the screen mode is set to either Borderless or Full Screen.
Plus Pack Season Pass
The Plus Pack season pass paid DLC contains two DLCs: Part 1, released on 9/10/’24, and Part 2, to be released on 10/31/’24. Please note that the two DLCs can only be purchased together as season pass from the in-game title menu.
1. Play Using “Koppa” and “Asuka”
In the Sacred Tree mode, you’ll be able to select a total of two new playable characters. Part 1 features Koppa the Talking Ferret. Although Koppa cannot inflict damage with attacks, he moves at double speed. Since Koppa cannot equip any gear, you’ll advance through the dungeon using special abilities like Burrow and Frantic Fart, which consume Fullness. In Part 2, you’ll get Asuka. Additional details to be announced.
A ferret who travels together with Shiren. He is a “talking ferret” that understands human language. *Koppa can be used in the Sacred Tree trials after unlocking Tatsumi Shiren and progressing through the story.
She is a wandering swordswoman who is old friends with Shiren and Koppa. She has come to Serpentcoil Island for a specific reason and is reunited with them.
2. Ten New Dungeons
There will be a total of 10 new dungeons: five in Part 1 and five in Part 2. In Part 1 of the Plus Pack, you’ll find dungeons such as Forest of Frugality, where your items are swapped with each floor you move to, and Peachy Trap Domain, where utilizing traps and transforming into monsters is essential. In Part 2 of the Plus Pack, we’ll introduce a high-difficulty dungeon called Soul of Serpentcoil Island, which surpasses the game’s most difficult dungeon, Heart of Serpentcoil Island.