Spike Chunsoft, Inc. Reveals Six New Character Illustrations and Profiles from Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE

Spike Chunsoft, Inc. today released illustrations and profiles for six new characters. Known as Master Detectives, these characters each possess a special ability or "Forensic Forte." Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, a lucid-noir detective adventure, comes to Nintendo Switch on June 30, 2023 in North America and Europe.
The character illustrations are created by the game's character designer, Rui Komatsuzaki.
Master Detectives of the World Detective Organization
An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world’s unsolved mysteries. Their branches exist throughout the world, one of which is the Nocturnal Detective Agency in Kanai Ward. The key players in their activities are Master Detectives who possess Forensic Fortes, but ordinary detectives are also enlisted. Protagonist Yuma Kokohead suffers from amnesia. His background is unknown, but he was in possession of documents indicating that he was sent to Kanai Ward as a detective-in-training at the agency.
Character Introductions: Master Detectives Dispatched to Kanai Ward
Vivia Twilight
Japanese VA: Yuichiro Umehara
English VA: Aleks Le
He has a decadent and aesthetic atmosphere about him. Often lying down in various places, such as the fireplace at the agency or under the hotel's grand piano, his personality can be described as self-indulgent.
Forensic Forte: Spectral Projection
Freed from the flesh, the ghost form can pass through walls and floors without being seen by other people.
Aphex Logan
Japanese VA: Showtaro Morikubo
English VA: Stephen Fu
Born to lawyer parents, he lost them at an early age and lived a rough life in the slums from then on. Due to these circumstances, he tends to be rude and tries to solve problems with violence.
Forensic Forte: Life Detection
The location of any living thing within a 50-meter radius can be found.
Zange Eraser
Japanese VA: Yosuke Akimoto
English VA: Kurt Bicknell
A quiet old detective with the solemn expression of a battle-hardened veteran. He never talks about his past, but his style of speech suggests ties to a government organization.
Forensic Forte: Thoughtography
Zange’s memory can be transcribed as a Thoughtographic image onto electronic devices, such as a smartphone.
Zilch Alexander
Japanese VA: Tomokazu Seki
English VA: Y. Chang
He loves the harmony between people and nature and specializes in dealing with those who would try to disrupt it. His tendency toward leading the conversation and moving things along efficiently sometimes gives off the impression of arrogance to those around him.
Forensic Forte: Animal Investigation
Controls animals to gather intelligence, even in areas inaccessible to humans.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt
Japanese VA: KENN
English VA: Khoi Dao
A young man with a goofball nature who likes hitting on women under the guise of investigation. Desuhiko's goal is to become famous as a mystery-solving superstar detective. He carries a huge backpack filled with tools necessary for his disguises.
Forensic Forte: Disguise
In addition to disguising his clothes and face, his voice, height, and weight can also be changed, allowing him to match the target of disguise visually and psychologically.
Halara Nightmare
Japanese VA: Yui Ishikawa
English VA: Amber Lee Connors
Halara is always cool under fire and has solved many difficult cases through precise judgment. Halara only believes in money and will not accept a request without payment, regardless of who the client may be.
Forensic Forte: Postcognition
The ability to see how a crime scene appeared at the time it was first discovered.